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    こんにちは!福井大学 グローバル人材育成研究センターです。


    『U-PASS』とは、University Peer Academic Support Servicesの略語で、学生チューターによる言語学修サポートサービスです。





    また、英語セッションも好評です。TOEFL・TOEICで高スコアを収めたチューターから試験対策のアドバイスをもらえるチャンスです! 今後、交換留学への応募を検討している方も、語学能力の証明や留学前後の力試しとして、U-PASSを是非活用してください!



    Hi, there! This is the Center for Global Education and Research, University of Fukui!
    Did you know that University of Fukui has a service called U-PASS?
    U-PASS (University Peer Academic Support Services) is an academic support service provided by student peer tutors.


    We are pleased to announce that new English and Japanese tutors have joined the U-PASS program in June, allowing us to support you more!

    Although many people have a passion to improve their Japanese/English, some may find it difficult to learn or complete assignments on their own, and may want to have someone to whom they can ask questions.
    At U-PASS, our trained peer tutors are ready to support you! Why don't you take this opportunity to utilize U-PASS?


    U-PASS Japanese language tutors can support international students with overall Japanese language learning, including conversation, kanji, reading, and writing according to the students’ needs. We provide opportunities for you to communicate with a Japanese or international student peer tutor to expand your knowledge and usage of Japanese and enrich your study abroad experience.


    English language sessions are also very popular, allowing students to get advice on test preparation and practice with tutors who have achieved high scores on the TOEFL and TOEIC! If you are considering applying for an exchange program in the future, we encourage you to take advantage of U-PASS to continue developing language proficiency and assessing your linguistics strengths before and after study abroad! In addition, U-PASS also supports students’ efforts in English writing, reading, discussion, and presentations.


    The LDC, located on the 2nd floor of the UF Library, has a wide variety of TOEIC, TOEFL, and JLPT preparation materials that can be viewed and checked out, so please take advantage of them as well.



    In May, a new Japanese language tutor joined U-PASS!

    Please take advantage of U-PASS's Japanese language sessions, which are free one-on-one sessions between a trained Japanese student tutor and an international student, where you can learn to read and write Japanese, practice Japanese conversation, and get support for your Japanese studies.




    7月30日に行われるTOEFL ITPに向けて、 U-PASSが試験対策のお手伝いをします。

    留学生チューターとの英語セッションで、スピーキングやリスニングのスキルアップを目指しませんか。またTOEFL・TOEICで高スコアを収めたチューターから試験対策のアドバイスをもらえるチャンスです! 今後、交換留学への応募を検討している方も、語学能力の証明や留学前後の力試しとして、U-PASSを是非活用してください!



    We are pleased to announce that new English and Japanese tutors have joined the "U-PASS" program in June, making it even more powerful!


    U-PASS will help you prepare for the TOEFL ITP to be held on July 30.

    Why don't you improve your speaking and listening skills in English sessions with our international student tutors? You will also have a chance to get advice on test preparation from tutors who have achieved high scores on the TOEFL and TOEIC exams! If you are considering applying for an exchange program in the future, please take advantage of U-PASS to prove your language skills and test your abilities before and after your study abroad!


    The Japanese-language sessions are also very popular, so if you are an international student who has not yet experienced the service, please give it a try.


    LDC, Student Library 2nd Floor

       @ Bunkyo Campus


    Monday - Friday

    09:00AM - 19:00PM




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